Connecting Flights

Connecting Flights

For segments to qualify as connecting flights, the first flight and the last flight (of multiple segments) must be within the timeframe (in hours, typically 24) denoted in Bus Rule 653 - ThruCheckINMaxHrs.

An example reservation with two amelia segments is shown here:

City Pair max and min stopover times MUST be met - These are found under Utilities -> Fares Setup. The City Pair for the reservation above would be REP-ICN. To see or edit this, select a city pair and press Travel Opt (shown below). Here, you will see the "Longest Stop Over" and "Shortest Stop Over".

NOTE: If the City Pair does not exist on the Fares Setup screen, the min/max stopover time is taken from tbl_Control in the RES database.

It should also be noted that if all flights are part of the same amelia segment, they are already considered connecting flights (like in the example below).

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