ameliaACADEMY Information

ameliaACADEMY Information

The ameliaACADEMY is an online learning platform created for amelia users that will help your entire airline team quickly and effectively learn how to better use your amelia system.


Getting started on the ameliaACADEMY

To register, simply select 1 person from your airline to be your Airline Group Leader for the ameliaACADEMY. Group Leaders will be the go-to ameliaACADEMY person for their airline.

Group leaders are responsible for:

  • Creating and facilitating all user accounts within an airline
  • Tracking the performance of users in their group
  • Generating user reports
  • Communicating with users & viewing other detailed reporting information on their airline's users

NOTE: ameliaACADEMY Group Leader access is required to perform these steps

Register Here: https://share.hsforms.com/1bM5YEfpKTGCRyOHODHIeYw1bgwj

Your Group Leader account will be set up by our team. Your user id/login to the ameliaACADEMY is your registered email address. Please check your inbox for an email from the ameliaACADEMY system with instructions to set up your password. This email is sent from Wordpress, so be sure to check your junk mail box if you cannot find it. Our support team will also reach out to you directly with more information when your account is ready for you!

Everything you can do as a Group Leader

The following video will help to provide you with an overview of the ameliaACADEMY and all the functions that are available to you as a Group Leader:


Adding users from your airline to your group

Once you are logged in, you will be able to add users from your team to the ameliaACADEMY. Here is a video to help guide you through this process: 


You will initially be able to add up to 20 users- please contact our support team if you will require more than 20 users.

If you have any questions, or if anybody on your team is experiencing any issues you do not know how to solve, please let us know and we will be happy to help you.

Providing Feedback

Please visit the Help page on your ameliaACADEMY portal and fill out the survey if you have any suggestions for site improvement.

You can also access this survey directly through this link: https://share.hsforms.com/2214739/8f6f5f21-079b-478b-9840-d572ca19e68a

We want to ensure the ameliaACADEMY is as useful as possible for your team so we appreciate your feedback as the site continues to evolve.

More ameliaACADEMY content will be released on a regular basis, so keep an eye out for emails updating you on the new videos and courses as they become available.

Happy Learning!

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