Setup Internal No Fly List (Black List)

Setup Internal No Fly List (Black List)

This article describes how to enable an airlines internal no fly list (black list).  There are various reasons why an airline would maintain a separate list of passengers than the list that is provided by Transport Canada (TC) or the Transport Security Administration (TSA).  Enabling this feature allows the airline to be alerted when a passenger on the list is attempting to travel on one of their flights.

Business Rule Meaning

BR423 SettingBookingEdit ResCheck InBoarding
N - Not Active (Default)AllowedAllowedAllowedAllowed
Y - ActiveBlocked through IBE if setting enabled, allowed everywhere elseAllowedBlocked through IBE, ameliaRES and APIv3Allowed if checked in
S - SilentAllowedAllowedAllowedAllowed

Step-by-step guide

There are several steps that are needed to enable this feature.

    1. To determine which parts of the passenger information is checked, you can enable / disable the corresponding flag under the str_checked column.
    str_Field_Name	str_Checked
    lng_Pax_Id_Nmbr	N
    P.lng_Province_Id_Nmbr	N
    str_Emp_Nmbr	N
    str_Addr1	N
    str_Addr2	N
    str_City	N
    str_Postal_Code	N
    str_Passport_Nmbr	N
    str_Last_Name	Y
    str_First_Name	Y
    str_Name_Key	N
    str_Gender	N
    str_Notes	N
    str_Special_Needs	N
    str_Pre_Board	N
    str_Tel	N
    str_Ext	N
    str_Fax	N
    str_Home_Tel	Y
    str_Home_Fax	N
    str_Email	N
    lng_Category_Id_Nmbr	N
    str_Aeroplan_Nmbr	N
    str_Active_Flag	N
    lng_Loyalty_Points	N
    PROV.lng_Country_Id_Nmbr	N
    str_Middle_Name	N
    str_Nationality	N
    dtm_PassportExpiry_Date	N
    str_Passport_Country_Code	N
    str_GeneralNumber1	N
    str_GeneralNumber2	N
    dtm_DOB_Date	N
  1. Enable Bus_Rule 423 (Personal Black List) using one of the following options:
    1. N - Not Active (Default)
    2. Y - Active (Both booking and boarding are denied.  There are settings that need to be changed on the IBE for this to take affect)
    3. S - Silent ( End user is able to book / board, however their name shows up on the internal No Fly List Reports)
  2. Add passengers to the internal Black List by opening up the Passengers screen found under Utilities/Passengers.  Type in the name of the passenger then change the status to DENIED.
  3. Under Reports / No Fly you can see if any passengers on the list are on any flights within a specific date range.  
  4. To enable the automatic emailing of this report  PaxBlackListClients.xml file needs to be updated - Open IASCASE to enable this

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