RLR Messages
RLR Messages are one of many types of GDS messages. This article will teach you what the purpose of a RLR message is and how to Manually process a RLR message from the GDS Message Interface.
What is an RLR Message?
RLR stands for Request for Locator. When an agent sends this, they assume their reservation has been completed and are requesting a record locator. The RLR message, when processed as is, does not do anything. This message only requires a response.
Reasons why an RLR won't process
RLR's will automatically be delivered to your GDS Message Interface Queue. Because there are no actionable status codes (SS, DK, XX) we do not take action. This message comes in as UNK - Unknown.
How to Process RLR Messages
These steps assume you are in the GDS message interface.
This assumes the reservation they need a locator for, exists.
1.) Copy the Record Locator from the message
2.) Navigate to Operations > Reservations
3.) Using the Advanced Search, search for the locator.
4.) When it comes up in the reservations screen, write down the ameliaRES locator (or reservation number)
5.) Go back to the message interface and find your RLR message.
6.) Highlight the message and click reply
7.) append to the end of the message SSR OTHS 1S REC LOC XXXXXX (Where you replace the X's with the locator of the completed reservation) and click send.
This assumes that when you search the locator, it returns "No reservation Found"
1.) Copy the Record Locator from the message
2.) Navigate to Operations > Reservations
3.) Using the Advanced Search, search for the locator.
4.) If no reservation exists, you will need to manipulate the RLR to serve as a booking message. Find your RLR in the message interface and double click
5.) As you can see in the above example, the segments are not taking any action (HK). We need to alter this to be an actionable message. Change the message Type from UNK - to PNR. Delete RLR from the message and move the locator line up to where the RLR was. Change all segments you want to book from HK to SS. Click save. You have to save it in order for the GDS Message interface to process your changes.
6.) Double click the message to re open it. Click Book.
7.) Write down the Record Locator or amelia Reservation number that comes up.
8.) Switch the Display to "By Locator" Enter in the GDS Locator from the message you just processed. Switch your Type to All and your Status To PEND.
9.) Once the pending message comes up (aka the one you just processed), highlight it and click reply.
10.) append to the end of the message SSR OTHS 1S REC LOC XXXXXX (Where you replace the X's with the locator of the completed reservation) and click send.