ameliaCARGO Reports Guide

InteliSys Aviation Systems



The ameliaCARGO Airline Cargo Management System (ACMS) has many different types of users with differing operational requirements. This has lead to the development of specialist IT solutions that provide functionality for the respective areas of operations. ameliaCARGO is an Airline Cargo reservation, inventory, and revenue management system designed specifically for regional airlines.

This guide does NOT describe Airline Cargo operations - it is assumed the User has the relevant business and operational knowledge. This guide IS intended for ALL ameliaCARGO users. Separate User Guides are available for Exports, Imports, Administration, and Accounts.

The Reports Guide is intended for all users, and contains a Discrepancy Guide.

Reports Functions


Here is the Login Screen:

Consignments at Station Report

This is a multi-function report used to view Consignments at Station in the following statuses:

  • Not Received
  • Received at Export
  • In Security
  • Manifested
  • Not Received at Import
  • Received at Import
  • Undelivered
  • Delivered

Select Consignments at Station Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following criteria are available:

  • From Date
  • To Date
  • At Airport
  • Consignment Status (select from pick-list):
    • Not Received
    • Received at Export
    • In Security
    • Manifested
    • Not Received at Import
    • Received at Import
    • Undelivered
    • Delivered
  • Apply Group checkbox

Once appropriate criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Consignments to Receive (Exports) Report

This report lists revenue for all consignments that have NOT been received for export, based on selected criteria.

Select Consignments to Receive (Exports) Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following criteria are available:

  • Creation From Date
  • Creation To Date
  • Consignment Origin - Select from pick-list.
  • Consignment Destination - Select from pick-list.
  • Consignments Received At - Select from pick-list.
  • Apply Group checkbox

Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Consignments Received Report

This report lists all consignments that have been received for export, based on selected criteria.

Select Consignments Received Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following criteria are available:

  • Creation From Date
  • Creation To Date
  • Consignment Origin - Select from pick-list.
  • Consignment Destination - Select from pick-list.
  • Consignments Received At - Select from pick-list.
  • Apply Group checkbox

Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Location Check Sheet Report

This report lists all export goods in the warehouse, based on selected criteria.

Select Locations Check Sheet Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following criteria are available:

  • Consignments Received At - Select from pick-list.
  • Apply Group checkbox

Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

In Security Consignments

This report lists all consignments that have NOT passed the security check, based on selected criteria.

Select In Security Consignments Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following criteria are available:

  • Creation From Date
  • Creation To Date
  • Consignment Origin - Select from pick-list.
  • Consignment Destination - Select from pick-list.
  • Consignments Received At - Select from pick-list.
  • Apply Group checkbox

Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Manifested Consignments Report

This report lists all consignments that have manifested on a flight (but not departed), based on selected criteria.

Select Manifested Consignments Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following search options are available:

  • Consignments Manifested From Date
  • Consignments Manifested To Date
  • Consignment Origin - Select from pick-list.
  • Consignment Destination - Select from pick-list.
  • Consignments Manifested At - Select from pick-list.
  • Apply Group checkbox

Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Departed Consignments Report

This report lists all consignments that have departed, based on selected criteria.

Select Departed Consignments Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following search options are available:

  • Consignments Depart From Date
  • Consignments Depart To Date
  • Consignment Origin - Select from pick-list.
  • Consignment Destination - Select from pick-list.
  • Consignments Departed (From) - Select from pick-list.
  • Apply Group checkbox

Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Consignments to Receive (Imports) Report

This report lists all consignments that have NOT been received at destination (and have departed the previous airport), based on selected criteria.

Select Consignments to Receive (Imports) Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following search options are available:

  • Consignments Depart From Date
  • Consignments Depart To Date
  • Consignment Origin - Select from pick-list.
  • Consignment Destination - Select from pick-list.
  • Consignments to Receive At - Select from pick-list.
  • Apply Group checkbox

Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Consignments Received (Imports) Report

This report lists all consignments that have been received at the destination airport, based on selected criteria.

Select Consignments Received (Imports) Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following search options are available:

  • Consignments Received From Date
  • Consignments Received To Date
  • Consignment Origin - Select from pick-list.
  • Consignment Destination - Select from pick-list.
  • Consignments Received At - Select from pick-list.
  • Apply Group checkbox

Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Undelivered Consignments Report

This report lists all consignments that have NOT been delivered (but received at the final destination airport), based on selected criteria.

Select Undelivered Consignments Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following search options are available:

  • Consignments Received From Date
  • Consignments Received To Date
  • Consignment Origin - Select from pick-list.
  • Consignments Received At - Select from pick-list.
  • Apply Group checkbox

Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Undelivered Consignment Alert

This report lists alerts for consignments that have NOT been delivered (but received at the final destination airport), based on selected criteria.

Select Undelivered Consignments Alerts from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The results automatically display all consignments more than 48 hours old. Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Delivered Consignments Report

This report lists all consignments that have been delivered at the final destination airport, based on selected criteria.

Select Delivered Consignments Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following search options are available:

  • Consignments Received From Date
  • Consignments Received To Date
  • Consignment Origin - Select from pick-list.
  • Consignments Delivered To - Select from pick-list.
  • Apply Group checkbox

Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

On Hand Report

This report lists all consignments that have been received for export (and are available for shipment), based on selected criteria.

Select On Hand Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following search options are available:

  • Consignments Creation From Date
  • Consignments Creation To Date
  • Consignment Origin / Destination - Select from pick-list.
  • Consignments Received At - Select from pick-list.
  • Apply Group checkbox

Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

On Hand Alerts

This report lists alerts for consignments that are On Hand for more than 48 hours.

Select On Hand Alerts from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following search options are available:

  • Consignments Creation From Date
  • Consignments Creation To Date
  • Consignment Origin - Select from pick-list.
  • Consignments Received At - Select from pick-list.
  • Apply Group checkbox

Once criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Incomplete Consignments Report

This report lists all consignments that have been received for export, but are incomplete (and are NOT available for shipment), based on selected criteria.

Select Incomplete Consignments Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following search options are available:

  • Consignments Received From Date
  • Consignments Received To Date
  • Consignment Origin - Select from pick-list.
  • Consignments Destination - Select from pick-list.
  • Apply Group checkbox

Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Customer Report

This report lists consignments by Customer, based on selected criteria.

Select Customer Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following search options are available:

  • Consignments Creation From Date
  • Consignments Creation To Date
  • Customer Name / Account Number - Select from pick-list.
  • Apply Group checkbox

Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Non-Account Customer Report

This report lists consignments by non-account Customers, based on selected criteria.

Select Unknown Customer Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following search options are available:

  • Consignments Creation From Date
  • Consignments Creation To Date
  • Customer Name - Select from pick-list.
  • Apply Group checkbox

Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Flight Consignment Status Report

This report lists consignment status form import/export flights, based on selected criteria.

Select Flight Consignment Status Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following search options are available:

  • Flight Number - Select from pick-list.
  • Flight Date
  • Import (inbound) / Export (outbound) Flights - Select from pick-list.

Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Flight Weight Statistics Report

This report lists flight weight statistics, based on selected criteria.

Select Flight Weight Statistics Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following search options are available:

  • Flight From Date
  • Flight To Date
  • Flight Number - Select from pick-list.
  • Aircraft Registration Number

Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Consignments Creation Report

This report lists all consignment numbers, based on selected criteria.

Select Consignments Creation Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following search options are available:

  • Consignment Creation From Date
  • Consignment Creation To Date
  • Show Summary Only / Full Report - Select from pick-list.
  • Aircraft Registration Number

Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Deleted Consignments Report

This report lists all deleted consignments, based on selected criteria.

Select Deleted Consignments Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following search options are available:

  • Consignment Creation From Date
  • Consignment Creation To Date

Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Unused AWB Numbers Report

This report lists any AWB numbers (by sequence) that the system did not use, based on selected criteria.

Select Unused AWB Numbers Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:


The following search options are available:

  • Consignment Creation From Date
  • Consignment Creation To Date

Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Flights Not Departed Report

This report lists all flights that have NOT departed, based on selected criteria.

Select Flights Not Departed Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following search options are available:

  • Flight From Date
  • Flight To Date

Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Flights Not Departed Alerts

This report lists alerts for flights that have NOT departed, based on selected criteria.

Select Flights Not Departed Alerts from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The results automatically display all flights more than 48 hours old. Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Flights Not Arrived Report

This report lists all flights that have NOT arrived, based on selected criteria.

Select Flights Not Arrived Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following search options are available:

  • Flight From Date
  • Flight To Date

Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Flights Not Arrived Alerts

This report lists alerts for flights that have NOT arrived, based on selected criteria.

Select Flights Not Arrived Alerts from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The results automatically display all flights more than 48 hours old. Once search criteria is entered, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Performance Reports

User Transactions Report

This report lists user transactions (for audit purposes), based on selected criteria.

Select User Transactions Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following criteria are available:

  • From Date
  • To Date
  • Airport - Select from pick-list.
  • User - Select from pick-list.

Once report options are selected, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Consignment Time Performance By Route Report

This report lists statistics on consignment time performance (time arrived at origin to time delivered to customer) - by route, based on selected criteria.

Select Consignment Time Performance By Route Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following criteria are available:

  • From Date
  • To Date
  • Origin Airport - Select from pick-list.
  • Destination Airport - Select from pick-list.
  • AWB Type (Cargo or Mail) - Select from pick-list.
  • Show Summary Only checkbox

Once report options are selected, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Consignment Delivery Time Performance

This report lists statistics on consignment delivery time performance (time arrived at destination to time delivered to customer), based on selected criteria.

Select Consignment Delivery Time Performance Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following criteria are available:

  • From Date
  • To Date
  • Origin Airport - Select from pick-list.
  • Destination Airport - Select from pick-list.
  • AWB Type (Cargo or Mail) - Select from pick-list.
  • Show Summary Only checkbox

Once report options are selected, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Consignment Transit Time Performance Report

This report lists statistics on consignment transit time performance (time arrived at transit airport to time departed transit airport) - by route, based on selected criteria.

Select Consignment Transit Time Performance By Route Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following criteria are available:

  • From Date
  • To Date
  • Transit Airport - Select from pick-list.
  • AWB Type (Cargo or Mail) - Select from pick-list.
  • Show Summary Only checkbox

Once report options are selected, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Daily Originating Weight Flown Report

This report lists daily originating weight flown, based on the selected date.

Select Daily Originating Weight Flown Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

Once Start Date is entered (report will include seven (7) days from this date), click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Daily Total Weight Flown Report

This report lists daily (total) weight flown, based on the selected date.

Select Daily Weight Flown Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

Once Start Date is entered (report will include seven (7) days from this date), click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Daily Transfer Weight Flown Report

This report lists daily transfer weight flown, based on the selected date.

Select Daily Transfer Weight Flown Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

Once Start Date is entered (report will include seven (7) days from this date), click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Daily Destination Weight Received Report

This report lists daily destination weight received, based on the selected date.

Select Daily Destination Weight Received Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

Once Start Date is entered (report will include seven (7) days from this date), click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Daily Weight Delivered Report

This report lists daily weight delivered, based on the selected date.

Select Daily Weight Delivered Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

Once Start Date is entered (report will include seven (7) days from this date), click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Daily Originating Revenue Report

This report lists daily originating revenue, based on the selected date.

Select Daily Originating Revenue Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

Once Start Date is entered (report will include seven (7) days from this date), click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Daily Revenue Report

This report lists daily revenue, based on the selected date.

Select Daily Revenue Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

Once Start Date is entered (report will include seven (7) days from this date), click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Daily Originating Weight Flown Compare Report

This report displays a comparison of daily originating weight flown, for the two (2) selected dates.

Select Daily Originating Weight Flown Compare Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

Once First and Second Dates are entered (report will include seven (7) days from each date), click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Daily Transfer Weight Flown Compare Report

This report displays a comparison of daily transfer weight flown, for the two (2) selected dates.

Select Daily Transfer Weight Flown Compare Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

Once First and Second Dates are entered (report will include seven (7) days from each date), click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Daily Destination Weight Received Compare Report

This report displays a comparison of daily weight received, for the two (2) selected dates.

Select Daily Destination Weight Received Compare Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

Once First and Second Dates are entered (report will include seven (7) days from each date), click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Daily Destination Weight Delivered Compare Report

This report displays a comparison of daily destination weight delivered, for the two (2) selected dates.

Select Daily Destination Weight Delivered Compare Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

Once First and Second Dates are entered (report will include seven (7) days from each date), click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Daily Originating Revenue Compare Report

This report displays a comparison of daily originating revenue, for the two (2) selected dates.

Select Daily Originating Revenue Compare Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

Once First and Second Dates are entered (report will include seven (7) days from each date), click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Performance Alert Report

This report lists Performance Alerts in the system, based on selected criteria.

Select Performance Alert Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following criteria are available:

  • From Date
  • To Date
  • Carrier, Alert From/To - Select from pick-list.
  • Consignment Number
  • Origin Airport - Select from pick-list.
  • Destination Airport - Select from pick-list.
  • Report Options
    • Alerts and Failures / Failures Only - Select from pick-list.
    • Incomplete, Complete, or ALL Transactions - Select from pick-list.
  • Exclude Discrepancy (consignments) checkbox

Once report options are selected, click Print Report or Export to Excel.

Discrepancy Details

Consignment Discrepancy

Use this to add a discrepancy (with notes) to a consignment. Enter the AWB # in the Consignment Number field, and click Find.

If the consignment is found, it’s displayed like this:

Click the + link to expand it and view any previous discrepancy notes. To add comments, click in the provided field (with ‘Add Discrepancy… placeholder text) - it expands as shown:

Enter the required notes. You may also upload and attach a file (image or supporting documents. Once complete, click Save Discrepancy to save the discrepancy and associated notes.

Discrepancy Report

This report lists consignment discrepancies, based on selected criteria.

Select Discrepancy Report from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following criteria are available:

  • Consignment Number
  • From Date
  • To Date
  • Status (All, Open, In Progress, Closed) - Select from pick-list.
  • Show Only Consignment with First Discrepancy Created at my Airport checkbox

Once report options are selected, click Search.

Results are displayed like this:

Click the + link to expand a consignment and view any associated discrepancy notes.

Found Cargo

Use this to register Found Cargo. Select Found Cargo from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following criteria are available:

  • Consignment Number
  • Found Pieces
  • Found Weight
  • Flight Number - Select from pick-list.
  • Flight Date
  • Origin/Destination Airport (if known)

Once these options are selected, click Find.

Click Save Found Cargo to register/save the Found Cargo.

Lost Cargo

Use this to register Lost Cargo. Select Lost Cargo from the menu - this search screen is displayed:

The following criteria are available:

  • Consignment Number
  • Lost Pieces
  • Lost Weight
  • Flight Number - Select from pick-list.
  • Flight Date
  • Origin/Destination Airport (if known)

Once these options are selected, click Find.

Click Confirm Found Cargo to register/save the Lost Cargo.