ameliaCARGO March 2017 Release Notes

ameliaCARGO Release Notes - March 2017

Consignments Delivery - New statuses

Five (5) new statuses have been added:

  • Incorrect Consignee Information
  • Consignee Refused Shipment
  • Returned to Shipper
  • Shipment Destroyed
  • Shipper Refused Return

Upon selecting any of the new statuses, and selecting the green checkmark, the consignment will be removed from the Delivery screen and the history will be updated.

Manage Flight Schedules

Manage Flight Schedules has been updated to enable individual flight legs to be deleted, and the order of flight legs can be easily changed.

To change the flight leg order, enter the new order number in first / leftmost column.

To delete a flight leg, select the X to the right of the leg in question.

Manage Flight Weights

The Flight Weight screen has four new figures added:

  • Reserved Passenger Weight
  • Reserved Baggage Weight
  • Checked in Passenger Weight
  • Checked in Baggage Weight

Shortly, the Reserved Passenger Weight and Reserved Baggage Weight will be automatically updated by ameliaRES every 24 hours. These can also be manually updated though the Manage Flight Weight screen. Passenger and Baggage weight will be automatically removed from the flight weight, leaving the cargo balance available - for example, flight Total weight = 6000 kg, Passenger weight = 3000 kg, Baggage weight = 500 kg, balance available for Cargo = 2500 kg.

The new flight weight figures are displayed at the top of the Pre Allocate screen, Loading Confirmation, and other flight reports.

Create Export Consignment

The Create Export Consignment screen has been updated to add the Postal Code / Zip Code for the Shipper, Consignee, and Agents Address. These new fields are non-mandatory and free-form. It's also now possible to amend Non-Revenue waybills that do not have a Shipper account.

Public Waybill and Label

Public screens now allow the Cargo Label and Waybill to be printed for logged-in customers and their sub-accounts.

Loading Position

A new screen, Loading Positions, and associated report, Loading Positions Report, have been added. This screen allow users to enter the physical loading position of cargo on a flight. Cargo can be split across multiple loading positions. The new report will list all cargo on the flight from the user's airport and will show cargo in each loading position, including the total weight in each position. The Manifest Report and In-Flight Report have also been updated to show cargo Loading Position.

Ancillary Invoice

A new screen and process have been added that allow users to create Ancillary Invoices. An Ancillary Invoice is a free-form invoice that is NOT attached to a waybill, and may be used to create invoices for additional services, such as charter operations or supply of fuel or other commodities. The customer's address details (using Manage Customers) and a Rate Code must exist - the system will use this to calculate charges and taxes.

Public Sub Accounts

A new screen and process have been added that allow Public Customers to create their own User IDs for their staff, who can then logon to the public system under the public master account.

Amend Invoiced Waybills

The Amend Consignment screen has been updated to allow staff to make amendments to waybills that have been invoiced and/or paid. The amendment may result in an under- or over-payment, which is handled accordingly. This helps avoid the current process of refunding payments, cancelling invoices, making changes, and re-invoicing. Amendments to Payee Name/Address are NOT allowed as a new invoice would be required.

NOTE: This functionality is OFF by default (existing behavior remains unchanged) - please contact us to enable this type of amendment.