ameliaCARGO Scanning Guide
Example Label
The label has a 2D barcode printed on it. The advantage being it can carry more information and is very easily and quickly read by mobile phones and other smart devices. The label also has a Priority indicator and displays other cargo-related information. It is used/scanned using the handheld device app (application) described below.
Cargo Android Application
The Android app is designed to allow operators to use any Android device - such as smartphones, tablets, and specialized Android scanning devices to perform key cargo business funtions. The available features are those typically more efficient when undertaken in a non-office environment, such as confirming allocation and receipt of consignments.
Another key service is Deliver Consignment, which enables the operator to capture the signature of the person collecting the goods in electronic form and automatically store it. This may be used in the warehouse and in a mobile manner (ex: if you operate a delivery service).
Copy the provided apk file onto the Android device, and select the install program from Application Manager. The device may display a warning message about the app's source - select Yes to install it.
Login Screen
Each user must use their own username and password. They are the same credentials that are used for the ameliaCARGO system.
Sharing of logins is NOT permitted. Users are responsible for data entered into the system and all activity performed with their user. Users are responsible for logging out of the system when not in use, and must NOT disclose their credentials to any unauthorized person. Users should protect their password, and change it when necessary or requested to do so.
Main Menu
Once logged in, the Main Menu is displayed:
View Consignment
This feature allows the user to view a summary of consignment data.
Enter the waybill number or select Use Scanner and point the device's camera/scanner at the barcode to scan the label.
Then, select Go. The system will check the consignment details and return basic consignment info.
An example of the response (if the waybill is found) is shown below:
Pre Allocate Consignment
This feature allows the user to pre-allocate a consignment to a flight.
Enter the waybill number or select Use Scanner and point the device's camera/scanner at the barcode to scan the label.
Then, enter the Flight Number and Flight Date, and select Go. The system will check the flight and consignment details, and return the available pieces and weight for allocation.
Select the Pieces and Weight to be allocated, as well as the Flight Destination, then select Allocate to pre-allocate the selected pieces/weight to the flight.
Confirm Allocation
This feature allows the user to confirm the allocation of a consignment to a flight.
Enter the waybill number or select Use Scanner and point the device's camera/scanner at the barcode to scan the label.
Then, enter the Flight Number and Flight Date, and select Go. The system will check the flight and consignment details, and return the currently pre-allocated pieces and weight.
Select Confirm Allocation to confirm the allocation of the pieces/weight to the flight.
Receive Consignment (Import)
This feature allows the user to confirm receipt of a consignment (from an inbound flight).
Enter the waybill number or select Use Scanner and point the device's camera/scanner at the barcode to scan the label.
Then, enter the Flight Number and Flight Date, and select Go. The system will check the flight and consignment details, and return the manifested pieces and weight.
Select Receive to confirm the receipt of the pieces/weight on the flight.
Deliver Consignment
This feature allows the user to confirm final delivery of a consignment to the consignee.
Enter the waybill number or select Use Scanner and point the device's camera/scanner at the barcode to scan the label.
Then, enter the details of the person collecting/signing for the goods, and select Go. The system will check the consignment details and that it may be delivered at the user's airport. Confirm the pieces and weight to be delivered, and enter the Delivery Reference # and the name of the person collecting it (Collector Name), and select Deliver.
Select Confirm Allocation to confirm the allocation of the pieces/weight to the flight.
Upon confirmation, the Signature Screen (see below) is displayed for the person collecting the goods to sign on the device.
Signature Screen
The Signature screen is used to capture the signature of the person signing for the goods, and is uploaded to the CARGO system when the user selects Upload Signature.
The signature can be viewed on the View Consignment screen.