City Pair Ancillary Items

Ancillary Items can now be sold/purchased for ANY city pair (including across connecting flights). Previously, these items applied only to individual flights - so if baggage was purchased for a segment composed of 3 flights, 3 baggage items were required.

In amelia, a new ‘City Pair’ type of Ancillary Item is available:

Figure: Ancillary Items Definition - City Pair Applicability

Allocation of these items will function similarly to airport-allocated and flight-allocated items:

Figure: Ancillary Items - City Pair Allocations

A new tab is available on the Ancillary Items Purchases form. Note the Location for this type of item will display the City Pair (SGN - HUI in example below):

Figure: Ancillary Items Purchases - City Pair Items

Applicable City Pair Items will be available whether booking from the RES App, your IBE, or using our APIs.

1407274020_MB__note.pngNOTE: Please contact your account manager to enable this feature.