5 - Seat Allocations

5 - Seat Allocations

InteliSys Aviation Systems


Seat Allocations Screen

The Seat Allocations screen, accessed from the menu (Operations -> Seat Allocations), plays a vital role in your inventory management strategy. This screen is where you configure (on a per flight basis) the available booking codes, and the number of seats allocated by Class of Service (COS) and to specific agencies.


Figure 1: Seat Allocations screen

Table 16: Seat Allocations Screen Descriptions

Flight DateDate range for Seat Allocation flight search.
RouteRoute for Seat Allocation flight search.
Look UpUse to display flights based on the selected dates and route.
Roll ForwardUse to open the Roll Allocation screen, where you can copy the allocation to future flights on the same route.
Apply TemplateUse to open the Apply Template screen, where you can choose an allocation template to apply.
AddUse to add an item to the selected section.
EditUse to edit an item to the selected section.
DeleteUse to delete an item in the selected section.

Class of Service Allocations

To add or edit Class of Service allocations, select a flight, click in the Class of Service area, and click Add or Edit on the Seat Allocations screen. This opens the Class of Service Allocation screen, where you can select the Class of Service and the number of seats to allocate, as well as the number of oversell (if applicable) and curtailed seats (ie. for crew travel).

Figure 2: Class of Service Allocation screen

Agency Allocations

To add or edit Agency allocations, select a flight, click in the Agency area, and click Add or Edit on the Seat Allocations screen. This opens the Agency Allocation screen, where you can select the Agency and Class of Service, and the number of seats to allocate.

Figure 3: Agency Allocation screen

1407274020_MB__note.pngNOTE: The Public agency is used to allocate seats available to everyone.

Booking Code Allocations

To add or edit Booking Code allocations, select a flight, click in the Booking Code area, and click Add or Edit on the Seat Allocations screen. This opens the Booking Code Allocation screen, where you can select the Class of Service and Booking Code, and the number of seats to allocate.

Figure 4: Booking Code Allocation screen

Rolling Allocations

If a flight’s seat allocations apply to future flights on the same Route, you may choose to Roll them forward. This saves time as there is no need to re-enter the allocation details. To Roll allocations, select the flight with the proper allocations, and click Roll Forward on the Seat Allocations screen. This opens the Roll Allocation screen, where you can select the date range and frequency / operational days (days of the week) for the roll. Click the Roll button to complete the operation.


Figure 5: Roll Allocations screen

Seat Allocation Audit

The Seat Allocation Audit screen displays a detailed history of changes to the allocations. To view it, simply right-click on an item in the Agency (to see Agency Allocation Audit) or Booking Code (to see Fare Allocation Audit) area on the Seat Allocations screen.

Figure 6: Seat Allocation Audit (Booking Code) screen


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