11 - Expired Credit Manager

11 - Expired Credit Manager

InteliSys Aviation Systems


Expired Credit Manager Screen

The Expired Credit Manager screen can be accessed from the menu (Utilities -> Expired Credits -> Expired Credit Manager), and allows you to quickly find reservations with an outstanding balance owed (credit to customer). You may choose to access the reservation, balance the credit, or extend the credit.

Figure 1: Expired Credit Manager screen

Searching for Expired Credit

To search (for expired credit) on the Expired Credit Manager screen, select a date and click the Search button. Reservations in the selected timeframe (up to the selected date), with a balance owed, will be listed.

You may select a reservation and open it using the Go to Res button - this allows you to view the transaction history or other details.

Balancing Expired Credit

To balance the credit on a reservation, select it on the Expired Credit Manager screen, and move it to the bottom grid using the [down arrow] button. Select it in the lower grid and click the Balance button. The outstanding credit will be reduced to 0 (zero).

Extending Expired Credit

To extend the credit (to a future date) on a reservation, select it on the Expired Credit Manager screen, and move it to the bottom grid using the [down arrow] button. Select it in the lower grid and click the Extend button. Then, select the new expiry date and click Save to complete the operation.


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