7 - Bulk Move
Bulk Move
The Bulk Move screen can be accessed from the menu (Operations -> Bulk Move), and allows you to quickly move some or all reservations on a flight to another flight.
Figure 1: Bulk Move screen
Table 19: Bulk Move Screen Descriptions
Control | Description |
Flight Date | Departure Date of the flight. |
Dep Airport | Departure Airport of the flight. |
Flight # | Flight Number |
Dest Airport | Arrival Airport of the flight. |
Get Pax | Use to list reservations/passengers for the selected flight. |
Date (Move To) | Departure Date of Move To flight(s). |
Find Flights (Move To) | Use to list available flights on the selected date. |
Moving Reservations
To move reservations from one flight to another, find the existing flight using the controls in the Move From section (select search criteria and click Get Pax) and find the destination flight in the Move To section (select Date, click Find Flights). Then, select reservations in the Move From area (use CTRL or SHIFT to select multiple), select the desired flight in the Move To area, and click the Move button. You will see the list of reservations/passengers clear, indicating they have been moved to the selected destination flight.