Auto-Send PAL/CAL messages

Auto-Send PAL/CAL messages

We now support PAL (Passenger Assistance List) and CAL (Change Assistance List) messages, which allow you to more easily accommodate passengers with reduced mobility. The PAL and CAL are typically sent prior to departure, at an agreed-upon time interval - configurable in amelia. All SSR codes (Pax Requests) with a type of PRM (Passenger with Reduced Mobility) will be sent in PAL/CAL.

PRM requests were also added to the existing Passenger Request reports, accessible using the X-PAX Requests button on the Check In form (in ameliaRES) or from web reports.

Figure: Passenger Request Report - PRM Requests column

1407274020_MB__note.pngNOTE: Please contact your account manager to enable this feature.

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