Automatic Synchronizing of Itinerary Changes for GDS Reservations

Automatic Synchronizing of Itinerary Changes for GDS Reservations

When enabled, this new feature will send SYN messages (Synchronization messages) to the GDS if the following changes are made in amelia for GDS reservations: bulk move, edit route, edit segment, add segment, cancel segment, cancel reservation and edit booking code (fare class).

For simplicity, the SYN message will also include unchanged segments (HK for confirmed and HL for waitlisted).  SSRs not associated with segments are assumed to be retained (e.g. CHLD).  SSRs associated with segments must be included if they are re-accommodated (e.g. seat, ancillary item).

1407274020_MB__note.pngNOTE: Please contact your account manager to enable this feature.  Airlines will need to communicate with each of their GDS partners to activate this feature on their systems too.

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