23 - Promo Codes

23 - Promo Codes

InteliSys Aviation Systems


(feature) Promo Codes Screen

Promo Codes give your airline the ability to provide a discount or promotional fare to passengers through the use of a code. You may also set limits on, and track usage of, these codes.

1407274020_MB__note.pngNOTE: Please contact your client manager to enable this feature - some configuration changes are required.

Feature Details

  • Two types of Promo Code are available: Discount and Fare.

  • Fare Promo Codes link to specific fares, while Discount Promo Codes allow for a discount (percentage) specific City Pairs and Fare Classes.

  • Promotions can be made available to specific (or all) agencies (Agency Applicability).

  • Both have validity periods. The Discount type's validity period is set on the promo code itself, while the Fare type's is done at the Fare Setup level. Blackout periods can also be set

  • Promo Codes can be unlimited or allocated - limits can be set and enforced, and usage tracked.

  • Batches of Promo Codes can be generated. These codes consist of a prefix (same value for all) and a suffix (randomly generated, length and list of allowable characters is configurable). To redeem the code, both the prefix and suffix must be entered, with or without a dash (-) to separate them. 


Define the Promo Codes using the Promo Codes screen, which you can access from the menu (Utilities -> Promo Codes).

Figure 1: Promo Codes screen

The View Agency Applicability, View Market Applicability, and View Blackout Dates checkboxes (in the upper right corner of the Promo Codes form) are used to display additional information about the selected promo code. When they are unchecked, the related info will become hidden.

NOTE: Market Applicability (City Pairs and Fare Class) is NOT available if Route Types and Fare Families are disabled in your system.

Add Promo Code

To add a promo code, click the Add button on the Promo Codes screen. The screen will switch into Add mode, where you can enter the required details. Click the Save button to complete the operation.

Figure 2: Promo Codes screen - Add/Edit mode

  • If Route Types and Fare Families are enabled in your system, you may filter by them (on the Market Applicability tab) while working with Promo Codes:


Figure 3: Promo Codes screen - Add/Edit mode - Market Applicability

On the Agency Applicability tab, Promo Codes may be associated to one or more (or ALL) Agencies, which allows for agency-specific promotions with different discounts or fares (by Agency).


Figure 4: Promo Codes screen - Add/Edit mode - Agency Applicability

On the Blackout Dates tab, you can define blackout periods - date ranges within the validity period where a Promo Code cannot be used or applied. Promo Codes may have multiple blackout periods.


Figure 5: Promo Codes screen - Add/Edit mode - Blackout Dates

Table 10: Promo Codes Screen Descriptions

TypePromo Code Type: Discount or Fare.
CodeAn ID for the promotion. The Code can have multiple validity periods, but these date ranges may NOT overlap.
DescriptionA description of the Promo Code.

The discount granted by the Promo Code.

NOTE: Discounts must already exist (see Discounts screen).
Book FromThe timeframe (booking dates) during which the Promo Code is valid.
Travel FromThe timeframe (travel dates) during which the Promo Code is valid.
AllocationDefaults to Unlimited. To limit usage, clear the checkbox and enter a value (# of uses).
Auto-GenerateDefaults to Off. Check the Auto-Generate checkbox to enter the # of suffixes and specify the allocation (to each suffix).
ActiveThe status of this Promo Code. Clear the Active checkbox to make it inactive (for any reason or period of time).

Market Applicability tab
City PairsSelect the city pairs / fares to which this Promo Code applies (individually or ALL).
Fare ClassSelect the fare classes to which this Promo Code applies (individually or ALL).

Agency Applicability tab
AgenciesSelect the Agencies to which this Promo Code applies (individually or ALL). NOTE: If none are selected, anyone can use/apply it.

Blackout Dates tab
Blackout From and To Dates (and Time)Apply blackout periods for this Promo Code here. NOTE: The start and end dates are stored in UTC and displayed in the timezone of the base airport.

Validation Criteria tab

Validation Criteria can be used to enforce additional requirements (such as enrolment at a specific university or college, membership in a club or professional association, or active military service) for the use of this Promo Code. When checking in the passenger, a message (which you define on the Validation Criteria tab) will be displayed to remind agents to verify the required documents/identification to proceed with check-in. Online check-in is NOT possible when this is in use.

If Auto-Generate has been selected for a Promo Code, an extra control will appear in Edit mode. The number shown here is the total allocation of ALL suffixes, and is not adjustable.

Figure 6: Promo Codes screen - Suffixes button

You may click the Suffixes button to display a breakdown of allocation by suffix. Suffixes where the allocation has been used will be shown with a RED background.

Figure 7: Promo Code Suffixes screen

1407274020_MB__note.pngNOTE: Allocations are based on Fares - a Suffix will require a use per segment (ex: return trip - 2 segments = 2 Promo Code uses).

Table 11: Promo Code Suffixes Screen Descriptions

Additional suffixesThe number of additional suffixes to generate.
AllocationAllocation for each new suffix.
GenerateClick the Generate button to create the additional suffixes.

Fare Promo Codes:

When adding a Fare Promo Code, Market Applicability is unavailable, and the available controls will change:


Figure 8: Promo Codes screen - adding Fare Promo Code

The Fare Class to be used for this type of Promo Code should have its Fare Particulars set up ahead of time (on the Fares Setup screen).

Figure 9: Fare Particulars screen

Otherwise, the process to add Fare Promo Codes is exactly the same as described above (to add Discount Promo Codes).


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