33 - Vouchers

33 - Vouchers

InteliSys Aviation Systems


(feature) Voucher Payments

Vouchers can be issued to customers for promotional purposes, as compensation for delays (or any other inconvenience), etc. They can be used to pay for reservations from any sales channel (IBE, call center).

1407274020_MB__note.pngNOTE: Please contact your client manager to enable this feature - some configuration changes are required.


  • From the Payment Methods screen, create a payment method of type ‘Voucher’.

  • From the Agencies screen, add the Voucher payment method to applicable agencies. (At the very least, your airline’s corporate agency should have the Voucher payment method enabled.)

Voucher Definitions Screen

Figure 1: Voucher Setup Definitions screen

To add a Voucher, click the Add button on the Voucher Definitions screen. The screen will switch into Add/Edit mode, where you can enter the required details. Click the Save button to complete the operation.

Figure 2: Voucher Definitions screen - Add/Edit mode

Table 19: Voucher Definitions Screen - Add/Edit mode Descriptions

NameThe name/description of the Voucher.

The value/amount of the Voucher.

This may not be fully used, depending on other settings.


The currency of the Voucher’s value.
Use Payment DueWhen checked, voucher value is NOT predetermined - it will instead assume the value of the balance due on the reservation to which it is applied.
Include ChargesWhen checked, vouchers can be used to pay for charges/fees on the reservation.
One-time OnlyWhen checked, vouchers can only be used ONCE. If any of the voucher’s value remains after being applied, that value is LOST.
TransferableWhen checked, vouchers do NOT need to be assigned to a specific passenger to be redeemed. Assignment occurs automatically (to the passenger) when the voucher is used.
Pin/Pswd RequiredWhen checked, PIN and Password are required to redeem these vouchers.

Table 20: Voucher Definitions Screen Descriptions

DeleteUse to delete a Voucher Type. A Voucher Definition cannot be deleted if vouchers have been generated.
Fare ClassesUse to restrict Vouchers of the selected type to certain Fare Classes. If none are selected, the Vouchers are valid for ALL Fare Classes.
City PairsUse to restrict Vouchers of the selected type to certain City Pairs. If none are selected, the Vouchers are valid for ALL City Pairs.
CompaniesUse to restrict Vouchers of the selected type to certain Companies. If none are selected, the Vouchers are valid for ALL Companies.
ViewUse to open the Voucher Add/Assignment screen.

Select the new Voucher Definition, and click View. The Voucher Instance form is displayed:

Figure 3: Voucher Instance screen

To add a Voucher, simply click the Add button. The Voucher Instance screen will switch into Add mode:

Figure 4: Voucher Instance screen - Add mode

Table 21: Voucher Instance Screen - Add mode Descriptions

Number of Vouchers to GenerateThe number of individual Vouchers of the selected type that will be created.
Expiry DateThe expiry date for the Vouchers. The Vouchers will automatically become invalid after the selected date.

The number of times the Vouchers are available for use (if the full amount is not redeemed in one transaction).

This value is 1 and cannot be changed if the Voucher Type is set as ‘One-Time Only’.

PINThe PIN associated with the Voucher.
AutoGenerate PIN

When checked, PINs will be randomly generated.

LengthThe length of the PINs - minimum 4 numbers.
PasswordThe password required to redeem the Voucher.
AutoGenerate PasswordWhen checked, passwords will be randomly generated.
LengthThe length of the passwords.
GenerateUse to generate Vouchers and switch into Assignment mode.

Complete the required info and click the Generate button. The generated vouchers are displayed like this:

Figure 5: Voucher Instance screen - Generated Vouchers listed

Vouchers must be individually assigned to passengers, unless the Transferable option is used. To assign a Voucher, simply click the Edit/Assign button on the Voucher Instance screen. The screen will switch into Assignment mode:

Figure 6: Voucher Instance screen - Edit/Assignment mode

You may search for an existing passenger / profile or manually enter the name. PIN, Password, and Expiry Date can be set for each individual Voucher. Click the Save button to complete voucher assignment.

After a Voucher is assigned, you can notify the passenger by email. To initiate this process, just select the voucher in question and click the Email button on the Voucher Instance form. Additional details are available here.


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