Promo Codes - Agency Applicability

Promo Codes - Agency Applicability

Promo Codes now have an Agency Applicability property - ie. they may be associated to one or more (or ALL) Agencies. This allows for agency-specific promotions with different discounts or fares (by Agency).

Figure: Promo Codes form - Agency Applicability

When adding or editing Promo Codes, an Agency Applicability tab is available to allow selecting the applicable agencies. You may select/deselect individual or ALL Agencies using the checkboxes on this tab.

Figure: Promo Codes form - Add/Edit mode


If NO agencies are selected, there are NO restrictions on the Promo Code’s use - ie. anyone can use/apply it. If one or more agencies are assigned, only users in those specific Agencies can use/apply the Promo Code in question.

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