Promo Codes - Blackout Dates
You now have the ability to define blackout periods - date ranges within the validity period where a Promo Code cannot be used or applied. Promo Codes may have multiple blackout periods.
The Promo Codes form has a new Blackout Periods column (showing if the listed Promo Code has blackout periods defined - Y/N), and a View Blackout Dates checkbox. When the latter is checked, any defined blackout periods will be listed (and it can be unchecked to hide this information).
Figure: Promo Codes form - Blackout Periods
When adding or editing Promo Codes, a Blackout Dates tab is available to allow defining the necessary blackout periods. Please note that these periods can NOT be edited; however, you may delete and add periods if changes to the From and To dates/times are required.
Figure: Promo Codes form - Add/Edit mode