30 - Ancillary Items

30 - Ancillary Items

InteliSys Aviation Systems


(feature) Ancillary Items (Shop / Add-Ons)

Ancillary Items are items or services that can be sold to your passengers via your existing sales channels. These items can be allocated per flight, per airport, or per city pair, and sales are tracked.


NOTE: Please contact your client manager to enable this feature - some configuration changes are required.

Feature Details

  • Sell items to single or multiple passengers on a reservation.

  • Allocate and sell items by flight.

  • Allocate and sell items by airport (pre/post flight, based on arrival and/or departure cities).

  • Allocate and sell items by city pair.

  • Integrated inventory management.

  • Configurable alerts to make inventory management easier.

Ancillary Items Categories Screen

The Ancillary Items Categories screen allows you to configure categories for the items and services (ex: meals, baggage, other amenities) you plan to sell. Access it from the menu (Utilities -> Ancillary Items -> Ancillary Items Categories).

Figure 1: Ancillary Items Categories screen

To add a Category, click the Add button on the Ancillary Items Categories screen. The screen will switch into Add/Edit mode, where you can enter the required details. Click the Save button to complete the operation.

To edit an existing Category, select it and click the Edit button on the Ancillary Items Categories screen. The screen will switch into Add/Edit mode, where you can make the required changes. The Description can be set in one or more other languages (list configured for you by us, based on your needs) using the Translations button/form. Click the Save button to complete the operation.

Figure 2: Ancillary Items Categories screen - Add/Edit mode

Table 13: Ancillary Items Categories Screen Descriptions

Multiple Flag (Y/N)

If set to N, items in the category are exclusive - a passenger can only purchase one of the items available in this category.

As an example, if extra weight for baggage (10 kg, 20 kg, 30 kg, etc) is available, passengers only need one of these.

UnavailableThe amount of time (in minutes) prior to ETD that items in this category are unavailable. This setting can be changed for individual items (from the default value, which is set here).
ActiveWhether the Ancillary Items Category is active (or inactive). If a Category is Inactive (Active checkbox is NOT checked), any items in the category are NOT available for purchase, regardless of their definition settings.

Ancillary Items Definition Screen

The Ancillary Items Definition screen allows you to define the individual items and services you will make available for sale. Access it from the menu (Utilities -> Ancillary Items -> Ancillary Items Definition).

Figure 3: Ancillary Items Definitions screen

Table 14: Ancillary Items Definitions Screen Descriptions

View Fare ApplicabilityWhen checked, the Fares that apply to the selected item are displayed. See Figure 33.4 for an example of this.
All Prices inUse to view the Charge amounts in the selected currency. This affects the display only.

Figure 4: Ancillary Items Definitions screen - View Fare Applicability

To add an item, click the Add button on the Ancillary Items Definition screen. The screen will switch into Add/Edit mode, where you can enter the required details, including the description and price (Charge Amount). Click the Save button to complete the operation.

To edit an item, select it and click the Edit button on the Ancillary Items Definition screen. The screen will switch into Add/Edit mode, where you can make the required changes. The Description can be set in one or more other languages (list configured for you by us, based on your needs) using the Translations button/form. Click the Save button to complete the operation.


Figure 5: Ancillary Items Definitions screen - Add/Edit mode - General tab

Table 15: Ancillary Items Definitions Screen - Add/Edit mode - General Tab Descriptions

CategoryThe Category in which the item belongs. Select the appropriate one from the listbox.
NameThe name of the item.
DescriptionA description of the item.
Charge AmountThe amount of the Charge associated with this item.
Max Qty/PaxUse to restrict purchases of this item per passengers. Use 0 (zero) to allow an unlimited quantity per passenger.
UnavailableThe amount of time (in minutes) prior to ETD that the item is unavailable. This defaults to the value set in the Category.
IATA SSR Code / NoteThis Code and Note are used in the DCS Manifest (L-Flight Manifest) for city pair and flight items (not airport items). They are also displayed in PNL/ADL for city pair, flight and airport (departure only) items. The Boarding Pass will include SSR codes for city pair, flight and airport (departure) items.
Buffer QuantityWhen Buffer Notification is checked, an e-mail is sent to the address in Buffer Email when inventory of this item reaches the specified quantity.
Allocate InventoryWhen checked, inventory is allocated - there is a limited supply of the item. Clear this to indicate an unlimited supply of the item (typically a service).
AirportUse to set the item’s availability to Airport (pre/post flight items).
FlightUse to set the item’s availability to Flight (in-flight items).
City PairUse to set the item’s availability to a City Pair.
Date SpecificUse to specify a date range where the item (ex: a hotel room) is applicable.
ActiveWhether the Ancillary Item is active (or inactive). If an Item is Inactive (Active checkbox is NOT checked), it is NOT available for purchase.

Figure 6: Ancillary Items Definitions screen - Add/Edit mode - Fare Applicability tab

Table 16: Ancillary Items Definitions Screen - Add/Edit mode - Fare Applicability Tab Descriptions

OverrideUse to set a different Charge amount for the item; or to make it part of a Package; or to make it unavailable - for the selected Fare.

The applicability for the selected Fare. Available options are:

  • Available: Item is available for this Fare. (Charge amount can be set.)

  • Not Available: Item is NOT available for this Fare.

  • Package: Item is packaged with this Fare (at no additional cost).

Editable when Override is Y.

The amount of the Charge for this item, by Fare. Editable when Override is Y and Applicability is Available.

0 (zero) when Applicability is Not Available or Package.

Figure 7: Ancillary Items Definitions screen - Add/Edit mode - Currencies tab

Table 17: Ancillary Items Definitions Screen - Add/Edit mode - Currencies Tab Descriptions

RateYou may set a fixed value (per currency) by setting the Static Rate to Y in the Currency grid.
GeneralUse to display the Charge amounts, exclusive of any Fare overrides.
Fare Applicability

Use to display the Charge amounts for the selected Fare.

Ancillary Items Airport Allocations Screen

The Ancillary Items Airport Allocations screen is where you allocate items (and set available quantities) to specific airports. Access it from the menu (Utilities -> Ancillary Items -> Ancillary Items Airport Allocations).

Figure 8: Ancillary Items Airport Allocations screen

To allocate an item to an airport, select a date range and click the Add button on the Ancillary Items Airport Allocations screen. The Airport Ancillary Items Allocations screen is displayed, where you can enter the required details. Click the Save button to complete the operation.

1407274020_MB__note.pngNOTE: Functionality of the Fare Applicability and Currencies tabs are described in Tables 16 and 17.

Figure 9: Airport Ancillary Items Allocation screen

Table 18: Airport Ancillary Items Allocation Screen Descriptions

Quantity AllocatedThe available quantity of the item. Only enabled if Allocate Inventory was selected in the item’s definition.
ActiveThe status of the item. Clear the Active checkbox to make it Inactive (no longer available or available at a later/future time).
Quantity SoldA count of the item’s sales, incremented on purchase.
EmailThe e-mail address of the item’s vendor. For example, if the item is a hotel room, the hotel is notified when a room is sold.
Departure / ArrivalUse to set if the item is available on arrival or departure of the selected airport.
Buffer NotificationWhen Buffer Notification is checked, an e-mail is sent to the address in Buffer Email when inventory of this item reaches the specified quantity.

Rolling Allocations

Allocation rolling allows you to apply allocations from a selected date to a specified date range. This saves time because the allocations do not have to be manually repeated.

To roll allocations, select a data range and click the Roll button on the Ancillary Items Airport Allocation screen. The Roll Ancillary Items Airport Allocations screen is displayed, where you can select the items, date range, and frequency / operational days (days of the week). Click the Roll button to complete the operation.

Figure 10: Roll Ancillary Items Airport Allocations screen

Ancillary Items Flight Allocations Screen

The Ancillary Items Flight Allocations screen is where you allocate items (and set available quantities) to specific flights. Access it from the menu (Utilities -> Ancillary Items -> Ancillary Items Flight Allocations).

Figure 11: Ancillary Items Flight Allocations screen

To add or edit flight allocations, follow the same process as for airport allocations (refer to previous section), but from the Ancillary Items Flight Allocations screen. Flight allocations can also be rolled (refer to previous section).

Ancillary Items City Pair Allocations Screen

The Ancillary Items City Pair Allocations screen is where you allocate items (and set available quantities) to a specific City Pair. Access it from the menu (Utilities -> Ancillary Items -> Ancillary Items City Pair Allocations).


Figure 12: Ancillary Items City Pair Allocations screen

To add or edit City Pair allocations, follow the same process as for airport allocations (refer to previous section), but from the Ancillary Items City Pair Allocations screen. City Pair allocations can also be rolled (refer to previous section).

Purchasing Ancillary Items

To add item/service purchases to a passenger, simply click the P - Ancillary Items button on the Passenger Reservation screen. The Ancillary Items Purchases screen is displayed, where you can select the applicable passenger, segment, item (airport or flight) and quantity. Click the Save button to complete the operation.

The tab that is displayed by default when opening the Shop/Ancillary Items form (for viewing, adding/editing purchased items) is configurable. If this is not set, the default will be to show the City Pair Items tab.


Figure 13: Ancillary Items Purchases screen


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