Removal of Aircraft columns on Planning Grid


Customer's planning grid is showing AC models that are no longer being used.


The Planning Grid will not allow you to remove a column if there are flights assigned in that column.  Following the below steps will only work if you don't have flights assigned to the column you are trying to remove (this will always be the last column(s) in the model series - ex: 737(1), 737(2), 737(4), etc).  In order to reduce the number of visible columns for the 737 model, you need to unassign all flights or move them to a lower numbered column with space for the flights.  Then, you can proceed with the below steps to reconfigure your Planning Grid.

How to remove columns from the Planning Grid (assuming the planning grid is already open):
  1. On the Options menu, select Grid Settings.
  2. On the Master Grid Configuration screen that opens, select the Column Settings tab.
  3. Select the AC model that you want to edit.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Reduce the # of columns field to the number you want visible.
  6. Save.