ameliaRES Hidden Gems
Did you know there are hidden features in ameliaRES that can save you time?
List of some of the hidden features/shortcuts:
- You can add a bit of holiday color to your background if you double-click the side panel next to the buttons (when viewing a reservation).
- You can double-click the flight number when in a reservation to jump directly to the Check In screen for the selected flight.
- If you right-click on the itinerary in a reservation, you can choose to hide or show any cancelled legs on the reservation.
- When adding a family, you can copy the passenger details from any passenger to the next family member by holding the "Ctrl" key and the corresponding function key (example: F1 key to copy passenger 1 details). While in add/edit mode on passenger 2, if you click "Ctrl + F1", it will copy the information from passenger 1 - to save you from re-typing the same address, phone number, etc.
- If you double-click on any payment in the payment window, it will give you a further breakdown of the payment details by passenger, so that you can determine which passenger was paid by which payment.
- If you double-click on the seat cell in a reservation, it will launch the seat map so you can select or change your seat.
- In general, double-clicking on certain grid cells will launch the add/edit corresponding screens (on many/most screens).
- If you right-click on a reservation listed in the reservation selector screen grid you can quickly generate an itinerary without opening the reservation.
I hope you found these useful - there are many more hidden gems in amelia. Please let us know if you come across any!
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