Setup Internal No Fly List (Black List)

This article describes how to enable an airlines internal no fly list (black list).  There are various reasons why an airline would maintain a separate list of passengers than the list that is provided by Transport Canada (TC) or the Transport Security Administration (TSA).  Enabling this feature allows the airline to be alerted when a passenger on the list is attempting to travel on one of their flights.

Business Rule Meaning

BR423 SettingBookingEdit ResCheck InBoarding
N - Not Active (Default)AllowedAllowedAllowedAllowed
Y - ActiveBlocked through IBE if setting enabled, allowed everywhere elseAllowedBlocked through IBE, ameliaRES and APIv3Allowed if checked in
S - SilentAllowedAllowedAllowedAllowed

Step-by-step guide

There are several steps that are needed to enable this feature.

    1. To determine which parts of the passenger information is checked, you can enable / disable the corresponding flag under the str_checked column.
    str_Field_Name	str_Checked
    lng_Pax_Id_Nmbr	N
    P.lng_Province_Id_Nmbr	N
    str_Emp_Nmbr	N
    str_Addr1	N
    str_Addr2	N
    str_City	N
    str_Postal_Code	N
    str_Passport_Nmbr	N
    str_Last_Name	Y
    str_First_Name	Y
    str_Name_Key	N
    str_Gender	N
    str_Notes	N
    str_Special_Needs	N
    str_Pre_Board	N
    str_Tel	N
    str_Ext	N
    str_Fax	N
    str_Home_Tel	Y
    str_Home_Fax	N
    str_Email	N
    lng_Category_Id_Nmbr	N
    str_Aeroplan_Nmbr	N
    str_Active_Flag	N
    lng_Loyalty_Points	N
    PROV.lng_Country_Id_Nmbr	N
    str_Middle_Name	N
    str_Nationality	N
    dtm_PassportExpiry_Date	N
    str_Passport_Country_Code	N
    str_GeneralNumber1	N
    str_GeneralNumber2	N
    dtm_DOB_Date	N
  1. Enable Bus_Rule 423 (Personal Black List) using one of the following options:
    1. N - Not Active (Default)
    2. Y - Active (Both booking and boarding are denied.  There are settings that need to be changed on the IBE for this to take affect)
    3. S - Silent ( End user is able to book / board, however their name shows up on the internal No Fly List Reports)
  2. Add passengers to the internal Black List by opening up the Passengers screen found under Utilities/Passengers.  Type in the name of the passenger then change the status to DENIED.
  3. Under Reports / No Fly you can see if any passengers on the list are on any flights within a specific date range.  
  4. To enable the automatic emailing of this report  PaxBlackListClients.xml file needs to be updated - Open IASCASE to enable this